WP Engine announced that it has acquired the advanced WordPress theme Frost from Brian Gardner and will provide it to all users for free.
According to a new report by WP Tavern, Gardner released Frost as the main product of his new venture business earlier this year. Before developing Frost, Gardner spent a lot of time in his career studying the StudioPress theme framework. However, like Frost today, WP Engine acquired StudioPress in 2018.
Although Gardener resigned from StudioPress in the second year and developed Frost in the next two years, he returned to WP Engine in September this year and became the chief developer spokesperson of the company.
"When I joined WP Engine in late September, I [WP Engine] clearly saw the value of building relationships with designers, developers and creators in our Atlas product line and WordPress. Although I was very interested in Frost when I joined, the acquisition did not enter the picture until my vision for our team became clear. I suggest bringing Frost into the company and hiring Nick Diego. "
One thing that makes it easier to build a website in Frost is the theme block mode, which allows users to quickly set up the site. Although Frost's Block Pattern explorer plug-in was once a part of its library plug-in, Gardner and Diego decided to provide it to everyone, hoping that one day its enhanced functions could enter the core WordPress.
According to a new blog post by Gardener, Frost itself has been treated as open source and will become a free distribution Full Site Editing theme. The owner of the WordPress website can download the frost theme here and start to try out the function of its block editor for himself.