Why should we ensure the security of our website?
I believe that this problem is not only the website owner, but also the most concerned problem of users. In recent years, large-scale data leakage has occurred one after another, involving all walks of life. Both large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises are suffering, making users more worried than ever about the security of sensitive personal data they share in various online transactions.

The purpose of ensuring website security is not only to reassure users, but also to ensure that their data will not be infringed by hacker attacks, identity theft and other types of online crimes, which is crucial to maintaining customer trust. More importantly, it is necessary to maintain the corporate image of an enterprise and increase more trust.
SSL Certificate
It is a security protocol that provides security and data integrity for network communication. TLS and SSL encrypt network connections at the transport layer.
SSL is a protocol that encrypts the communication between the sender and receiver to avoid third-party listening. SSL is an encryption technology that protects the connection between the Web server and the browser. If the client and server want to communicate through an SSL connection, the website needs to deploy an SSL certificate. A more secure option for SSL is TLS (Transport Layer Security), and the site owner can also request that the certificate be verified.
SSL or TLS certificates add an additional layer of website security to any communication passed between the browser and the server. The certificate is stored in the server and can be accessed when visiting websites with HTTPS. The website owner can choose from three different types of SSL certificates, depending on the nature of the site and the kind of information it collects from users.

A certificate that passes Domain Authentication (DV) is the cheapest form of authentication. This kind of certificate CA organization only needs to check whether the applicant is the owner of the domain name. It does not check other information about the company or the applicant. Domain only certificates can usually be granted quickly and relatively cheaply because there is little information to verify. DV authentication is only applicable to websites that deal with confidential information least and pay less attention to how to establish reliable and secure transaction reputation.
The sites verified by OV and DV certificates have a green padlock next to HTTPS, which is displayed in green. Websites with the most secure EV certificate can also include a green search bar. The padlock icon can also tell the user about the status of the site certificate. The padlock icon can also be used to pass other messages. For example, a yellow padlock indicates that a previously issued SSL certificate has been corrupted.
Organization Verification (OV) SSL certificates are more trusted than ordinary DV certificates, and are suitable for SMEs. Compared with DV certificates, OV SSL certificates are more stringent in verification and need to audit enterprise information. OV SSL certificate provides powerful encryption function of up to 256 bits to enhance users' trust and confidence in the website.
Extended Verification (EV) SSL certificate is the SSL certificate with the highest security level, which is applicable to e-commerce websites, medical industry, government departments, education and financial institutions.
EV SSL certificates are often recommended for their high encryption strength. EV SSL certificate provides powerful encryption function up to 256 bits to enhance the trust of browser end users to the website. The server user needs to apply for an EV SSL certificate and must provide relevant important certificate information to the CA organization. The website deploying EV SSL certificate shows the legitimacy of the business to the end user to ensure that the information shared by the user is not peeped or stolen by others.

In an era of increasingly complex hacker means to steal or destroy user data, SSL certificates tell visitors that the site is trustworthy and secure, and their most sensitive data is secure on the site.
SSL certificate is an important channel for HTTP plaintext protocol to upgrade HTTPS encryption protocol, and is an encryption channel for network security transmission. For more information about SSL certificates, please pay attention to the Digital Security Age (GDCA). GDCA is committed to network information security, has passed the international certification of WebTrust, and is a globally trusted certificate issuer. GDCA professional technical team will provide users with the best product selection suggestions according to their specific conditions, and provide professional corresponding HTTPS solutions for different applications or server requirements.
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