Original title: Web front end: comparison of the best web development frameworks in 2022 - everything you need to know
Web developers should complete tasks quickly, flexibly and reliably in practice. Since recently introduced frameworks or development tools often produce better results, developers must constantly improve their skills and new technical knowledge. But what are these web development frameworks?
For convenience, we divide the Web development framework list into two parts: front-end framework and back-end framework.
Front end Web development framework
1. Angular
Angular is an open source javascript framework designed to create single page web applications and mobile applications. It uses the MVC architecture pattern integrated by top Angular development companies. Although this front-end framework is the development of AngularJS, it is a new web development framework.
2. React
React is one of the javascript frameworks developed by Facebook. It only provides view level and some callback functions for rendering HTML code. As a powerful front-end framework, React is used by development companies to build Internet applications.
Vue.js is a javascript library that provides the view model layer of MVVM mode. Vue.js is an open source framework supported by the developer community. It provides two-way data binding by linking models and views.
Svelte is one of the web frameworks in the new era, which provides a bridge between server-side applications and the front end. It is written in Javascript for building fast loading websites.
Developers familiar with Vue.js find it easier to use Svelte. In addition, the framework is lightweight and easy to learn.
5. Aurelia
Aurelia is an open source javascript web framework that allows you to create web applications on the client side. It works based on web standards and can be integrated with any existing application.
In addition, the Aurelia framework has a wealth of modern JavaScript modules that can work together when building applications. These open source projects are based on standards and allow the creation of portable products across different platforms without worrying about compatibility issues or being limited by other technologies.
6. Mithril
Mithril is also a lightweight javascript framework, but it is different from other frameworks. It provides an efficient way to develop your application with clean and optimized code. Mithril uses the MVC pattern to better organize the code, making it easier to maintain over time.
Although Mithril is simple and lightweight, it can be used to create complex applications. Each component in Mithril is an independent entity that helps developers develop more important projects.
7. jQuery
Developers use jQuery to make web pages interactive. This is a cross platform open source software that allows web designers to create dynamic websites without writing too much code for client script.
The list of back-end web development frameworks is as follows:
1. Laravel
Larave is one of the most popular and free open source PHP frameworks. According to the terms of the MIT license, all Laravel source code is available through GitHub.
2.Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is one of the most famous and reliable open source MVC frameworks, which aims to make the development of web applications easier and faster. In addition, developers can write code that is less important than any other framework.
3.Spring MVC
Spring MVC is a framework for creating/developing Java applications. Open source frameworks provide excellent features for building applications on the Java EE platform.
4. Django
Django is an open source full stack Python development framework that supports Python version 3.4. In addition, it also generates a management panel to configure websites made in Python. Django is one of the popular web development frameworks among users.
Flask is a free open source Python web framework. It was originally developed by Pinax developers, who released it as an open source platform in July 2011.
6. Express
Another excellent web development framework on the list is Express, a free open source web framework written in Node.js. There is a huge online community.
7. CakePHP
CakePHP is a modern framework developed in 2005, which allows developers to quickly and easily create applications using its intuitive web development tools.
As mentioned earlier, each web development framework has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends on which framework the enterprise wants to use. Before summarizing, analyze your business goals, target user groups, and budget. The best web development framework should be selected according to your needs and requirements. Go back to Sohu to see more
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