Original title: Web front end: the latest web development technology in 2022
Every year, new technologies contribute to the development of websites and network applications. Web development is accompanied by a large number of rules and technologies that every enterprise should understand. If you want a website to look and run like you want, you need to learn network technology to help you achieve your goals.
Top 11 Best Web Development Technologies in 2022
1、 Front end technology
1.Vue JS
Vue.js is a rising star in the field of web development. It was originally an independent project, and soon developed into one of the most popular JS frameworks. Vue has a highly adaptable and flexible design (MVVM mode), which makes the integration with third-party applications simple. You can use Vue as a library to improve your existing projects or as a full-featured framework. Vue has many exciting functions.
Vue. Js' out of the box functions, such as data binding, animation/conversion, HTML templates, routing, etc., can help online and hybrid projects. Vue.js is also easy to use in web application projects due to its scalability and learning curve.
2. React JS
React is considered as one of the top web development tools. Although it is more like a library, it is the first technology to use a component-based architecture. Later, Vue and Angular adopted the same architecture. Reactjs is a good complement to projects that need component reuse, amazing user interaction or animation. It is a robust UI library, which is used to develop projects for small, medium-sized or even large enterprises.
3. AngularJS
AngularJS development is a popular JavaScript based open source front-end web development framework, which is mainly maintained by Google. It has a large community of individuals and enterprises dedicated to solving many problems that arise when designing single page applications. AngularJS promotes the development of intuitive and robust web applications by using the MVC architecture pattern.

4. Ember JS
Ember has the same two-way data binding as Angular, and contains many features and components that can be used immediately. EmberJs is a modern framework for deploying complex user interfaces. Ember focuses on improving developer efficiency by eliminating the need for time-consuming processes or incorporating some JS best practices into its core design.
5. JQuery
Although it is an older web development technology, it is still widely used and popular. Compared with JavaScript, jQuery needs to write fewer lines of code. JQuery helps HTML document traversal, event processing, animation and Ajax interaction to achieve rapid web development. Compared with JavaScript and other JavaScript libraries, jQuery is more user-friendly.
2、 Back end technology
It is a popular web development language, especially on the server side. Java web applications are distributed applications based on the Internet. With Java web development, we can build dynamic web pages that allow users to interact with the interface. There are many ways to create dynamic web pages in Java. Java developers can use the Java EE (Enterprise Edition) platform to access various Java technologies for web development.
Containers provide such things as distributed computing, web services, and so on. These applications can be created without using any other scripting language.
Because Java can communicate with many systems, it is ideal for building large web applications. Java web development can also access peer-to-peer web services, database connections, back-end services and other services.

7. Django
It is a popular web development framework, which uses Python and Model View Template (MVC) to build models. It focuses on the insertability and reusability of components. Django is responsible for many tedious aspects of web development, allowing you to focus on developing your applications. It is free and open source, with a vibrant and active community, excellent documentation, and various free and paid support options.
In addition, you can use the Object Relational Mapper (ORM) to quickly map project objects and database tables. It also supports several database engines, including DB2, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, etc. Django has a strong development community and provides appropriate documentation because it is open source. It can be used for various web operations, such as content management, user authentication, and RSS feeds.
8. JavaScript
Due to the great importance of JavaScript in web development, it does not need to be introduced. Like HTML and CSS, it is one of the most basic components in web development. Many developers like to use this language for web development, and it has always ranked first in several famous top programming language indexes.
In addition to web development, the language can also be used to create games, mobile applications, etc. Imperative and structured, lightweight, object-oriented programming support, platform independence and so on are some notable features of this particular language. The most admirable feature of JavaScript is that it can be used for front-end and back-end development.
9. PHP
PHP is a web development technology, which has had a significant impact on the entire web development industry for decades. It is used to create cutting-edge, dynamic and user-friendly websites. Because PHP is an object-oriented programming language, the code can be reused in future website development projects. Similarly, using PHP script code can save a lot of time. It has fast information absorption and can be easily incorporated into HTML code without using other IDEs.
10.Ruby on Rails
It is a server-side web development technology that can simplify and accelerate web application development. It is often considered as one of the best web back-end frameworks. The reusability of the code and several other great features make this framework unique, and they will help you finish your work in a short time.

11. Flask
This is another Python based web development technology for back-end development. It does not require any specific libraries or tools, nor does it require a database abstraction layer, because it is classified as a micro framework.
However, with the help of the built-in development server and quick debugger, Flask can generate the most beautiful application you can imagine. Flask's framework is clearer than Django's because it requires less basic code to create simple web applications.
These are the top 11 web development technologies that will lead enterprises in 2022 and beyond. If you are considering which web development technology to choose, choose the technology that is suitable for your organization's goals and easy to maintain in the next five years, and if you really want to get the full benefits of these technologies, it is important to cooperate with the appropriate web application development. Go back to Sohu to see more
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