Original title: How to migrate from Tumblr to WordPress (I)
Want to move your blog from Tumblr to WordPress? Good choice! Not that Tumblr is a bad place. It is an interesting social media platform, has a close community, and is also a good place to interact with other people with common hobbies and interests.
However, if you have a goal when writing a blog - to create a readership, make your blog profitable, or market an existing business - self hosting WordPress is the process to follow.
Why WordPress instead of Tumblr?
For serious bloggers, WordPress has many advantages.
Use self hosted WordPress.
You have your platform. On the other hand, Tumblr belongs to Yahoo. Your Tumblog must comply with their rules. If it does not comply, they can delete your website.
You can have more control over the design and functionality of your website, use themes and plug-ins, and even dig into the code.
There are more options to make your blog profitable.
If your blog is on your own website, you can get the benefits of SEO instead of sending your link juice to Tumblr (they don't need it).
Your website will be based on more reliable and stable software. If Yahoo decides to close Tumblr, you will be unlucky. But WordPress is open source and maintained by a huge community. Even if the community collapses completely, WordPress software will still exist.
If you have been using Tumblr for some time, the conversion may look daunting. Will all your hard work be wasted? Is it too difficult to learn a new platform?
Don't worry: As a Tumblr user, you have all the skills you need to use WordPress, and you can transfer all your existing content to your new WordPress website.
Step 1: Set up your new WordPress blog
Before we start transferring your content, you need a place to transfer it.
So we'll start by setting up your new WordPress website.
First, you need to purchase your domain name and network host. Take a look at our article on the best WordPress virtual host, and you can start.
Most of the hosts we recommend will provide easy installation of WordPress. The details of this process will vary from host to host, so you must follow their instructions to set up WordPress. If you have any questions or need help, please contact your host support.
Tumblr style WordPress Theme
We have a lot of WordPress Theme Comments and reviews are available for you to browse, but I suggest you choose the best WordPress Theme The list begins.
For help on installing new topics, please see our guide: 3 installations WordPress Theme The simple method of.
come from: //cn.bluehost.com/blog/wordpress/18907.html Go back to Sohu to see more
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