Original title: 7 top trends that must be known for Web development in 2021
In 2021, which web development trends will become the focus of developers, which can help you maintain competitiveness and improve customer experience. With the rapid development of technology, Web developers need to keep abreast of the latest trends, because this is one of the most critical factors for enterprise success.
There are more than 1.74 billion websites in the world. Developers should understand and discover more innovative web development methods, because it can help enterprises accelerate growth and develop globally.
The website is not only the code, but also the facade of the enterprise. Now the website development has become more innovative. Moreover, there are many technologies and platforms that can help enterprises develop good websites without writing code. But new trends in the market continue to affect the Web development process, and these trends have brought more dynamic and practical ways for developers to design and build websites.
PWA Development
PWA is like a native mobile application, but it is actually a website. According to research, the conversion rate of PWA is 36% higher than that of local applications; Therefore, we can see their development trend. The main goal of PWA is to bring mobile application like experience to users of all devices.
They are more interactive and responsive. PWA is innovating the user experience through similar application functions, and users do not need to download. Amazon, Twitter and Forbes, for example, are combining native computers and Web applications to increase conversion times and reduce bounce rates. Due to PWA's offline working mode, fast loading and page speed, the emergence of PWA makes enterprises more powerful. Due to accessibility and reliability, mobile users are increasing every day, and this trend will continue to grow in 2021.
Dark themed UI
At present, we have seen this trend in mobile applications, but now websites are also moving in this direction. The night mode or dark theme user interface is safer and easier for the user's eyes. It not only reduces excessive eye fatigue, but also saves battery time. Increasing the number of black pixels consumes less device energy. In addition, it makes the whole website look good and fashionable, and provides the best user experience.
Therefore, the dark theme UI will be one of the main trends in the field of Web development in 2021. For example, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Android, Apple, YouTube, Reddit, etc. have regarded it as a trend.
Chat robot driven by artificial intelligence
In 2021, the demand for AI based communication will continue to grow. The website will focus more on building AI based chat robots and virtual assistants to improve customer experience.
Chat robots may be underestimated, but they are very convenient. Once users log on to the website, they can immediately attract them. They provide users with quick response, which can help enterprises avoid delays and customer churn rates.
The chat robots have been trained on collecting data from users, and they can provide better solutions. In addition, interactions with humans are created by programming in natural languages.
The combination of speech recognition technology and cognitive intelligence makes chat robots more reliable than manual support personnel. E-commerce, tourism, healthcare and other industries are realizing the importance of chat robots.
Single page website
This trend will be visible in 2020. However, as this trend continues, it will remain unchanged in 2021.
Gone are the days of building lengthy, extensive Web architectures. As people use the Internet through mobile devices, single page websites are easier to browse. The old method of building separate pages for different themes is outdated.
Single page websites greatly reduce page loading and make it faster, thereby reducing the bounce rate. Because of their simplicity, they work well on both mobile devices and PCs. Moreover, their development and hosting are not expensive. Single page websites can help enterprises cover specific target audiences with limited content. In addition, the simple design is easier to read and more attractive.
Speech recognition technology
The importance of the Internet of Things is self-evident. In 2021, we can see or expect improvements in voice search in some important areas. According to research, 8 billion voice assistants will be put into use by 2023.
The use of voice search will greatly affect the way developers work. Voice e-commerce is expected to dominate the market. Companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. are using this technology to introduce innovation.
In addition, with the advent of smart speakers and assistants, voice technology has reached a new level. Therefore, developers need to ensure that the website is optimized to adapt to the voice search function.
Website security
According to research, nearly 50000 websites are destroyed by hackers every day. Because many companies are using digital platforms to run their businesses. On the other hand, the website contains many sensitive customer information. 2021 will be the year when strict website security protocols are formulated to achieve compliance.
Using HTTPS protocol will be the first task for all website developers and owners. HTTPS protocol is the basic security standard for all websites, because it ensures secure communication without being threatened by a third party. For example, Google marks websites that are not protected by HTTPS as unsafe.
Regular software updates are essential to ensure website security. An effective password management solution will also be adopted.
cloud computing
According to Gartner's survey, public cloud services are expected to grow to 306.9 billion dollars by 2021.
Cloud computing can prevent data loss and data overload. Therefore, it has the ability to replace conventional servers. This trend will change the way of Web development in the next few years, because it can not only reduce development costs, but also enhance the entire Web architecture. For example, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, etc. are some popular examples. Go back to Sohu to see more
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