Map: index. php ->wp blog header. php ->wp load. php ->wp-config.php
Description: Front end entrance, basically without content.
1) Define the WP_USE_THEMES constant. When the constant is defined as false, the site will be blank; If it is true, it will display normally.
2) Load the wp-blog-header.php file.
Description: Used to load the WP environment and templates.
1) Set the $wp_did_header variable, which is equivalent to a flag, to ensure that the wp-blog-header.php file is only executed when it is loaded for the first time.
2) Load the wp-load.php file.
3) Call the wp() function.
4) Load the wp includes/template loader. php file
Description: The Bootstrap file is used to set the ABSPATH constant and load the wp-config.php file. Wp-config.php will load the wp-settings.php file, which will be used to establish the WP environment.
If the wp-config.php file cannot be found, an error message will be prompted asking the user to set the wp-config.php file.
Wp-load.php will also automatically search the WP's parent folder for the wp-config.php file, so it can protect the WP folder from being exposed.
1) Set the ABSPATH constant to the path to the WP folder.
2) Set the error reporting mode.
3) Load the wp-config.php file (a. load directly, b. load from the parent folder, c. report an error if it cannot be found, and use the wp_die() function).
Description: WordPress basic configuration file. This file contains the following configuration options: MySQL settings, database table name prefix, key, WordPress language settings, and ABSPATH For more information, visit // ting_wp-config.php
Please consult your space provider for MySQL settings. This file is used by the installer to automatically generate the wp-config.php configuration file. You can manually copy this file, rename it to wp-config.php, and then enter the relevant information.
1) Set the database name, user name, password, database host, database code, database collation type, and database table prefix.
2) Set the identity key for cookie encryption.
3) Set the WP language.
4) Set the absolute path ABSPATH of the WordPress directory.
5) Load the wp-settings.php file.